viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Law and the Mexican Constitution/Ley y la Constitucion de la Republica Mexicana

Web Site: Attorneys and Lawyers in Cabo San Lucas

Facebook Law, Ley

As we continue with our entries for the bi-lingual attorneys and lawyers in Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo and the Los Cabos area of Baja California Sur we have the following:

Continuando con lo mismo articulo 3..ahora en ingles para los abogados y bufetes en Cabo San Lucas, San José del Cabo y el área de Los Cabos en Baja California Sur:
Article 3.
Article 3 - Every individual has the right to receive education. The State--Federation, States, and Municipalities--will provide preschool, primary, and secondary education. Primary and secondary education are compulsory.

The education that the State provides will try to harmoniously develop all the faculties of being human, and will instill in the student at the same time, love of country and awareness of international solidarity, in independence and justice.

I. As Article 24 guarantees freedom of beliefs, education will be independent of church beliefs and as such, it will be completely free of any religious doctrine.

II. This education will be based on the results of scientific progress and will aid the student in struggling against ignorance and its effects--slavery, fanaticism, and prejudice.

a) Furthermore: It shall be democratic, considering democracy not only a judicial structure and a political regimen, but also a system of life based on the constant economic, social, and cultural betterment of the people.

b) It will be national without hostile restrictions, ties, or exclusions. It will assist in the understanding of our problems, the use of our resources, the defense of our political independence, the securing of our economic independence, the continuing and growth of our culture and:

c) It will contribute to better human life, and at its end, will have instilled in the student appreciation for personal dignity and the integrity of the family, the conviction of general interest in society, and especially in sustaining the ideals of fraternity and equal rights of all people, without the privileges of races, creeds, groups, sexes, or individuals.

III. In full compliance with what is specified in the second paragraph and in section II, the Federal Executive will determine the plans and programs of primary, secondary, and post secondary education for all the Republic. To these ends, the Federal Executive will consider the opinions of the governments of federated entities and of the various social sectors involved in education, in the terms that the law specifies.

IV. All the education that the State provides will be free of charge.

V. Besides providing preschool, primary, and secondary education, the State will promote and assist in all types and means of education, including higher education necessary for the development of the Nation. Education will support scientific and technological research, and advance the strengthening and knowledge of our culture.

VI. Individual schools may provide education in all its types and means. In the terms that the law establishes, the State will grant and withdraw official recognition of studies conducted in particular facilities. In the case of primary, secondary, and post-secondary education, the criteria shall be:

a) Provide education according to the same ends and criteria that are in the second paragraph and section II, as well as comply with the plans and programs that section III refers to, and;

b) Obtain previously, in each case, express authorization of the public power, in the terms that the law establishes.

VII. Universities and other institutions of higher education to which the law grants autonomy, will have the power, ability, and responsibility to govern themselves, achieve their ends of education, research, and spreading culture in agreement with the principles of this article, respecting freedom of teaching and research and of free examination and discussion of ideas, will determine their plans and programs, fix the terms of salary, promotion, and tenure of their academic personnel, and administer their own property. Labor relations, of academic as well as administrative personnel, will be conducted according to part A of Article 123 of this Constitution, in the terms and with the means that the Federal Labor Law establishes in conformance with the characteristics of special work, in a manner that agrees with autonomy, freedom of teaching, and research, and the ends of the institutions to which this section refers, and;

VIII. The Congress of the Union, with the purpose of unifying and coordinating education in all the Republic, will pass the laws needed to allocate the social function of education among the Federation, States, and Municipalities, to set the levels of spending for this public service and to specify sanctions applicable, to which officials who do not comply or cause to be complied with these laws, as well as to all those who break them.

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