martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Law and the Mexican Constitution/Ley y la Constitucion de la Republica Mexicana

Web Site: Attorneys and Lawyers in Cabo San Lucas

Facebook Law, Ley

As we continue with our entries for the bi-lingual attorneys and lawyers in Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo and the Los Cabos area of Baja California Sur we have the following:

Continuando con lo mismo articulo 4..ahora en ingles para los abogados y bufetes en Cabo San Lucas, San José del Cabo y el área de Los Cabos en Baja California Sur:
Article 4.  Man and woman are equal before the Law.   The Law shall protect the organization and development of the family.  Every individual has the right to decide in a free, responsible and informed manner the number of children desired and the timing between each of them.

Every person has the right to health protection.   The Law shall set forth the rules and onditions to Access health services and shall establish the concurrence of the Federation, the Federal District and the States in matters of general public health, as provided in section XVI of Article 73 of this Constitution.

Every person has the irght to an environment suited to his development and well being.

Every family has the right to live in a dignified and decorous housing.   The Law shall establish the instruments and supports need to attain such goals.

Children are entitled to have their food, health, edication and recreation necessities fulfilled for thier integral development.

Ascendants, tutors and guardians have the duty to preserve these rights.   The State shall take necessary measures to Foster respect for the dignity of children and the full excercise of the rights of the child.

The State shall grant facilities to private persons so that they may assist in attaining the fulfillment of the rights of the child.

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