miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

Law and the Mexican Constitution/Ley y la Constitucion de la Republica Mexicana

 Web Site: http://www.quijanolaw.com  Attorneys and Lawyers in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Los Cabos
 Facebook http://www.facebook.com/quijanolaw Law, Ley, Legal, Firm

As we continue with our entries for the bi-lingual attorneys and lawyers in Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo and the Los Cabos area of Baja California Sur we have the following:

Continuando con lo mismo articulo 17..ahora en ingles para los abogados y bufetes en Cabo San Lucas, San José del Cabo y el área de Los Cabos en Baja California Sur:
Article 17 - No person has the power to use justice for himself or herself, or exert violence to reclaim his or her rights. All persons have the right to have justice by courts that will be able to give them justice in the time and terms that the laws set, and give them resolutions in a quick, complete, and impartial manner. The courts' service will be free; so in consequence, judicial costs are prohibited.
Federal and local laws shall establish the methods necessary to guarantee the independence of the courts and the full power of their resolutions. Nobody may be imprisoned for debts of a purely civil nature.

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